
Corporate Care Network

The Corporate Care Network connects and supports companies committed to advancing the well-being of workers through access to and awareness of inclusive care benefits, like paid leave, flexible work, and child care support.

Each year, businesses that do not offer supportive care infrastructure – with comprehensive benefits and policies – fail to attract, support, and retain crucial workers, resulting in a . ºù«Ӱҵ Capital’s polling indicates that a majority of the American public wants corporate leadership on care. Nearly 76% of those polled recognize that access to child care is problematic and 64% agree that companies should offer at least 12 weeks of parental leave for all caregivers.  

The Corporate Care Network elevates the importance of these policies as business leaders consider solutions that address the needs of today’s competitive workforce while shaping an inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. That includes taking action to advance racial and gender equity in their workplaces, and drive better long-term economic health for their workers, their business, and the global economy at large.



As part of the the Corporate Care Network, we invite companies companies to demonstrate their leadership on care by:

  1. Prioritizing Care for Workers by evaluating the needs of your workers and instituting equitable changes in policy, informed by leading practice.
  2. Reinforcing the Case for Care by serving as inspiration to other business leaders and peers, demonstrating the benefits of a robust care infrastructure.
  3. Making Care Visible by speaking publicly to the benefits of care policies and sharing powerful stories that spark action and conversation.

Interested in learning more or joining the Corporate Care Network?


ºù«Ӱҵ Capital works directly with partners to provide a range of support, engagement, and networking opportunities for companies and business leaders in the Corporate Care Network to leverage. By joining the Network, companies gain access to a breadth of opportunities, like peer learning sessions with executives, resources and events for HR professionals, direct assistance on assessments and policy, and communications support to celebrate and spotlight corporate leadership. 

If you’re interested in becoming a partner, email impact@justcapital.com to learn more on how we can work together.




We approach care with a comprehensive lens, leveraging our data and research from our annual Ranking of America’s Most ºù«Ӱҵ Companies and the ºù«Ӱҵ Jobs Scorecard including analysis on Paid Leave, Backup Dependent Care, Subsidized Child Care, Flexible Work Policies, and more.

Care policies , support diversity and inclusion efforts, and, ultimately, bolster businesses’ bottom lines. In addition, survey research from ºù«Ӱҵ Capital, , the Pew Research Center, and finds Americans are increasingly looking to companies to provide care benefits. As companies compete to win the race for talent in a constrained labor market, investing in care is a smart business choice. 


of Americans recognize that access to childcare is problematic.


of Americans note access to paid family leave as an issue plaguing women in the workplace.


of Americans say they or someone they know has missed work to care for their kids.



of Americans believe companies need to provide at least 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all workers.


of Americans agree that in evaluating a job offer.


of workers who quit in 2021 indicated that .


of companies with paid leave policies said it has a .

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